Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The one with the Bachlorette Party....

Kelly is getting married in less than 3 weeks!!! AHHH so exciting. For those who don't know, Kelly is one of my childhood cheer buddies. We have been besties for many many years.... Like the years when Backstreet boys were cool, Ford Mustangs were cool, when ribbons tied in your pony tail was cool and when $.29 cheeseburgers where a must on Wednesdays!! We go way back, so it brings me great joy that she is settling down and marrying the man of her dreams. Boy did we both have to go through some LOSERS to get to the point where we are now.... anyway, we had her bachlorette party this weekend down in the Keys and it was SOOOOOO much fun. It was nice to have a weekend where I could sleep until 9:30, not change any diapers and only worry about feeding my self. Not that I didn't miss Cooper but it is nice to have a break every now and then. We stayed at a beautiful resort Friday thru Monday. It is someplace I would definitely take Josh too, he would have loved it. The skies were clear, the water was blue and the beer was ice cold. We all enjoyed our fair shares of cocktails, gossip and seafood. But as anything good, it came to an end and I am back to reality.... Cooper is doing well in school, although we kinda were scolded for not having practiced enough with him using a spoon and a plate. Since he eats at a high chair at home we don't typically give him a plate. At school they use one and you know what he does, flips it right up side down and all the food on it goes straight to the floor. So these past few days I have been feeding him on a plate and giving him a spoon. The spoon gets thrown across the room, but at least the food is eaten off the plate. You know, we talked about it and I really don't want to put so much pressure on Cooper to hold a spoon. I mean obviously he will get it and obviously he is smart, but when I teach him to use a spoon and feed himself, I will no longer have a little baby. I feel like that is asking him to grow up too quickly.... so we are just going with it. If he wants to throw his spoon, WHO CARES THROW IT BABY!!!!

Anyway, pictures from my weekend. I don't have any of Cooper to share, just of me and my girls....

The resort


Show me your green!!

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