Friday, February 20, 2015

The one where Princess Addison is TWO...

We have officially moved to the toddler stage. Miss Addison is in full force. She makes her own decisions, picks out her own clothes, eats like a big girl, loves jewelry and high heels and is truly daddy’s little girl. She adores him. They dance in the kitchen together when Daddy gest home from work. Daddy can do no wrong!! It’s so awesome to see her personality shine through. She has a heart of gold and always, always has a smile on her face. She’s into whatever Cooper is into, which involves stealing his dog and running, she loves being outside and playing on her swing set, she loves her books and her babies and of course her “TT” (or blankie) and she LOVES LOVES LOVES to eat. Some of her favorite foods are green peas, corn on the cob, cheese, black olives and anything daddy grills. Addison is super picky about the shoes she wears, so often times I put her in her socks and load her up in the car so when we get to where we are going she doesn’t have an option but to wear the shoes I picked. Oh lord, I see this as a preface for those teenage years.
We are working on potty training and taking it slow. She is now used to sitting on the toilet, several times a day. But she just hasn’t figured it out quite yet, but I need to spend more time with her. I need one naked weekend with her and she will pick it right up. She’s begun taking off her own diaper when she poops and handing it to me. Ya, that’s fun and not messy at all!
Addison, unlike her brother did, likes to throw mini tantrums when she doesn’t get her way. She’ll throw herself on the floor (usually it’s on the carpet!) and cry. Her favorite word is No, which is really her Yes! (We will work on that before she starts dating!) Her new favorite movie is Charlotte Web, which she calls Oink, very fitting if you ask me. Charlotte is too hard to say. Don’t worry, she is still obsessed with Frozen, but mommy needed a break from that on the TV. Her vocabulary is becoming quite large, still most words only a Mom can figure out. Her hugs are the best, when those little arms wrap around your neck and she squeezes, I’m in heaven. Oh these moments when she still wants to be rocked and read to will be cherished forever. I can’t believe she is already 2. No more babies in this house. But I am lovin every minute of it and I am so thankful to be able to stay at home with these kiddos.
Happy Birthday Sweet Addison, you are loved by so many!!


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