No, not the creepy crawler, although its Halloween time... We have an 8 month old crawling baby in da house!! Can you guess who it is?? Miss Addison Kate and she doesn't ever want to sit still anymore! She's been on the move for a little over a month now. She wants to chase after her big brother who keeps stealing her toys. I would too. Oh the joy having these 2 kids interact, they really do love each other. Addison just laughs and giggles at Cooper. He's been into turning the lights on and off and that just cracks Addison up. Nothing sweeter than children giggling.

We made the big move a few weekends ago. FINALLY.... we are getting settled in our new home. We've done all the big projects, like paint and replace some of the fans now onto actually unpacking. What a chore. A shout out to all the guys Josh recruited for moving day, which totaled about 12. They knocked it all out in about 4 hours... yes, they took everything out of the San Marco house, boxes and babies, and placed everything in the new house. They were on fire.... plus it was a Saturday and football had to be watched, another incentive to scoot your boots! Anyway, we have already fired up the green egg, swam in the pool and finished off a few bottles of wine! We are really going to love it here. Both kids are doing great. They are sleeping through the nights (knock on a big ole piece of wood, hoping miss Addie's continues down that path!!). Cooper is consistently using the potty (and the bushes outside). Its hilarious, every time we pull up to the house, Cooper gets out of the car and pees in the yard. "Hi St. Johns County, we are the new redneck family next door!"
I'll have pictures to come of the house, stay tuned....
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