The count down is on baby!!! Everything seems to be in order for our October 1 closing date. ANNNDDD we haven't even started packing yet! If you don't know, Josh and I are the wait til the last minute type of folks. We have always been and probably always will be. I remember being in school and not writing term papers until the night before. My brain just never kicked into gear until it was forced too. Like now, I can think of 100 different things I would rather do than pack... like shop or drink wine! After the burglary we are more anxious than ever to move. Not to mention as the kids grow, this house is getting smaller. Addison is almost mobile, so her toys are all over the floor. Alongside Coopers trucks, blocks, ropes, toy Nerf guns and animals. Oh yea, not to mention the forts I trip over constantly :) If only they had their own play room, ahhhhh seems like a dream, but its reality in a few weeks! I have a feeling we will be spending most of our time in the pool. Speaking of pool, here is a video of Cooper swimming on vacation...
So the other day, I was getting dressed to go have lunch with my friends and Cooper came in the room, he said "Mommy whatcha doin in here? You look beautiful today!". If that doesn't make your heart melt, I don't know what will. His sweet little innocent voice trying to pronounce beautiful was so precious! You know where I think he gets it from? His sweet daddy. Josh my appear like Mr. Hard guy, but he is so sweet and is sure to give this momma some compliments when they are due (I'll take them even when they aren't "due"). It goes to show how great of a father, leader and role model Josh is. Who knew Cooper was picking up so much from just hearing us talk. Glad its the good stuff, with the Gators loss who knows what he heard last Saturday! Good thing its a BYE week :)
As soon as I get the camera out, Coop is ready to run, at least one kid is smiling! |
Have a great weekend!!
WOW I'm finally catching up it's been months since I've been on here, I so enjoyed all the stories and pic..........Allie you are just the best, and I'm blessed having you as my daughter in law and being such an awesome MOMMY..............LOVE YOU