We’ve been in school now for a few months and I’ve got to
say, these kids are rocking it out. They are both doing extremely well…. I mean
did you expect anything less? Addison is already counting to 10 and knows her
shapes and colors. She is also forming complete sentences and is talking more
than ever. Which means she totally understands me, but chooses to ignore me
anyway. She is very strong willed (like her Dad). Thank God I know where they
sell wine. Cooper is doing great, learning to write, color in the lines, spell,
count and do math. He is truly loving school. They have an after school program
called “lunch bunch” that Cooper did for the first time yesterday. He stayed at
school until 3PM and when I picked him up, he actually cried because he didn’t
want to go home. He’s also learning that mommy isn’t as cool as she once was. I
guess he was going to learn that eventually!
Everyday Attire |

Also in other news, we just celebrated a HUGE milestone… we
have a FIVE year old in the house, woot woot! Happy Birthday to Cooper!!! This birthday
was by far the best thus far. He totally understands what it means to have a
birthday and what it means to turn 5. I struggled with planning his big day,
only because November seems to be a busy month for birthdays, but I finally got
it together and planned. He woke up the morning of his birthday and said Mom, I
woke up 5 today! All week, he couldn’t wait! I brought cupcakes to his school
and all his friends sang. On the way home, he said Mom, I can’t wait to be six….
And then seven. I had to stop him (even though I love to hear him show off his
counting abilities). I said let’s just enjoy one day of you being five before
we starting wishing the next birthday. I remember being the same way, just couldn’t
wait to be another year older. As kids we are start wishing it away and now as
adults, we get depressed to turn another year and looking back it seems
childhood flew by way too fast. Fortunately for Josh and me, we have a 2nd
chance at childhood! We get to raise two beautiful spunky loving kids! I try to
slow time down, but honestly I think it fly’s faster as a parent. Anyway,
Cooper got lots of cool presents. He’s totally into all the superhero, transformer,
star wars stuff and he got enough to last him til Christmas! HA. Hopefully
Santa is on a budget this year, I am running out of storage.
Look who's FIVE |
Birthday Boy |
School Pictures |
Donuts with Dad |
Pumpkin Patch Field Trip |
I’ll try not to make it so long before my next update!
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