LITERALLY!!! And not a car break in, full on random stranger picked our locks to get in our house. Thank The Lord, he didn't make it past the kitchen. I heard the back door open around 3:15am. It took me a minute to come too, but I could see the male standing in the between the cracked bedroom door. Talk about heart racing. I hit Josh to wake him up, ( you know, because he's "deaf" in one ear) I said josh someones in the house. It too took him a minute to figure out what I said. Again, Josh someone is in the house. And then he was gone. I'll forever ( or maybe for a while) have that image of a man standing over my kitchen counter stealing from me and my family. Fortunately he only made out with my phone, both our wallets, about $20 and my mental sanity! The cops came, but the guy was long gone.... In speaking with all the neighbors, another 3 cars were burglarized too. And why he chose to break in our house is beyond me, probably on drugs. But we are safe, so that's all that matters!
So some good news: Cooper is peeing in the potty! We just haven't got to the whole poop thing down yet, I guess that will come with time too. But he will go on his own now- still working on the aiming, but does that really ever get any better?! LOL The sticker/ cookie incentive worked. Look at what a few weeks did. We don't do the stickers anymore, he kinda forgot about those and the cookies I would give him! Which is probably a good thing! Anyway, we are making progress. Any tips on how to make kids poop in the toilet?
his new favorite expression, as in "No more pics Mom" |
Addison had her 6 month check up. She's doing GREAT. 17lbs 3oz. and she's in the 89% for being so long, she is 26 inches. She's also getting up on all fours, ready to crawl any day now. Which the doc said they usually crawl around 9 months, but I think she is watching Cooper run around and wants to be just like him. She is all smiles when she looks at him. They are both so cute together. We are very blessed to have such a close loving family!