Well, only a few more days of being a family of 3! It blows my mind that in a few more days, a new bambino will be in our family. I feel like I'm carrying twins at this point because I'm so uncomfortable and big, but reality just doesn't settle in, until your holding her. Both Josh and I are so anxious to meet her. It's almost like why do we have to wait until Friday? We are ready, so can we bump her up in the schedule???? BUT it gives us a few more days to spoil Cooper. I keep telling him how big brothers are the best, how much I will need his help and how much I love him. I tell him there are plenty of hugs and kisses for everyone, especially for big brothers.... then he leans over and gives me a big hug with a pat on my back and a kiss right smack on the lips. It's the sweetest. His world is about to change and I want him to think its for the best. Because it is, he just won't understand quiet yet.
Here's a sneak peak of the nursery.... still a work in progress!
9 months prego |
Baby Addison, we are ready to meet you!!!!! Ready or not, see you Friday
OHHH How Sweet, Allie you do such a great job with Cooper, and your understanding, and knowing that Cooper's little world is going to change some-what....in such and Awesome way though......His new Baby Sister....WOW......I got all Teared UP reading this....I'll be seeing you all tomorrow morning !!! HUGS