Sunday, May 20, 2012

The one with the Mohawk...

Yes, that's right, we cut our sweet baby boys hair into a MOHAWK. And while he is still as cute as can be, he looks like a 5 year old!!!! No joke. So it all started late last week when I decided to trim Coopers hair like always. I think he looks sweet with a bowl cut, however my significant other convinced me other wise ( so yea, technically you can blame Josh!!!) Anyway Josh must have had this spunky flare in him and came home from work and busted out the razor! Cooper wasn't the biggest fan of all the buzzing but as you can see, we made it. Josh did the buzzing since I had never done it before and it turned out really cute. Cooper looks like such a stud and is already picking up the girls in the neighborhood. Meet his girlfriend Haley.... They kiss and hug, share drinks and feed each other. A real romance! We are going to have to keep an eye on these 2 when hey become teenagers. It really is so sweet and innocent watching them together. Haley is about a month older than Cooper.

Cooper got a new toy delivered to the house this week, a slide that he loves, not to mention all the other kids around too. Our neighbors to the right have a big play ground set that we see Cooper eyeing all the time. The slide, not the e swings so his Granna and Grandpa had a Cooper size slide sent. Speaking of Cooper size, he had his 18 month check up this past Monday. His weight has pretty much maintained right at 25 lbs, his height is average and as we know, he is healthy. He is right on track for development. The doctor said Mommy and Daddy get an A+, keep doing what we are doing and he is going to turn out great. We sure hope, right?? He spend loads of time with him outdoors and let him get plenty of exercise. And while he doesn't eat veggies that's the least of my worries. He eats most everything else that kids eat. I just pick my battles and fighting over food is not one of them.

I am trying to teach Cooper how to jump here...

So as a public service announcement, please write this down.... I mowed the lawn yesterday, for no money or incentive! When I was a teenager my dad used to pay me $20 ( maybe $20 for the front and $20 for the back, I can't remember- but I know I was paid) anyway I was laying out in the back yard and the grass was kind of high and I got the itch (literally) to mow the lawn. I need some practice, it doesn't have the straight pretty lines like when Josh does it, but hey, it's mowed!!! We are looking forward to next weekend, Spencer comes in town for his 21st birthday!! The boys are getting a few hotel rooms and staying in buckhead a few nights. And my parents will be coming in town Friday thru Tuesday. We will have a little more low key weekend than the boys, but just glad it's a 3 day weekend. Hope everyone has a great Sunday!!!

 I couldn't pick just one of these to post. Cooper loves the slide!


1 comment:

  1. Love......Love.........Love this he looks so differnt your right he does look like he's 5...I so enjoyed reading your Blog Allie, and I'm always checking for updates....Hope you have a great time withy our parents!!!
