On a lighter note, Cooper has moved up to the "toddler"class at school. The day they started to transition him over there, they opened the door, he ran in and never looked back. He isn't in the toddler room full time. He is with his previous class for breakfast. Mainly because I drop him off there. I don't want him to experience TOO much change at once. Anyway, Cooper does fantastic, despite being the youngest/smallest in there. A Spanish teacher comes a few times throughout the week to speak to the children and sing to them. I wish I could have seen his face when the lady was talking, because his teacher told me he cocked his head side ways and looked at the lady like WTF are you saying!?!? Needless to say, I should probably speak to him in more than one or two words in Spanish. He got Student of the Week this week. He is trying to hard to keep up with the other kids, running, playing and actually sitting and listening. He sleeps on a mat, not in a crib and eats at a kids table not a high chair. They say he does absolutely wonderful and is sweet as can be. A funny story, they go outside and play twice a day (Cooper LOVES it). So most kids lose their shoes and keep on running like it never happened. Cooper stops what he is doing, picks up the shoe and brings it to the teacher to put back on. He is a riot. I think a lot like me, he really doesn't like things out of place. Even though he is looking more like Josh everyday, he is acting more like me everyday. Gotta love that little boy!!! Well I think I rambled enough tonight. Catch up with you this weekend, we plan on going to the Kids Fair in downtown Cumming on Saturday.... ( I didn't have any new pictures, so this one will do... it is cute enough, right???)
My new favorite picture, BEAUTIFUL |
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