Well, this weekend was beautiful outside and there
was a fair, just not in Cumming, like I thought. We drove up to the fair grounds and there was go cart racing. Much to my dismay, I double checked the website and I was totally off. The fair was in the City of Forsyth, not the County of Forsyth. Just a small oversight, so we took off to Dahlonga for lunch and to walk around. So it turned out to be an awesome day despite my error.... Ooppssss!

Updates on Cooper, he is doing great in daycare. He is coming home worn out, so it makes for a heavy sound sleeper at nights. No complaints here on that. He has about 12 teeth now, starting to get the back ones, so eating is getting easier. He is starting to become a little more picky on what he eats. Like any other child, chicken nuggets, fish sticks and pizza is a fav. He knows what "no" means. When we tell him no, his bottom lip starts to curl and he cries for like 2 seconds. He understands most of what we say and do. Josh and I think he is borderline genius. We were vacuuming yesterday and as we were putting it up, Cooper brought us some of the tools and actually put them on the vacuum where they belong. He is smart and it's so cool watching him learn and explore. He is becoming very very onary, pulling things out of the pantry and dumping them out, pulling wood chips from the grilling drawer and dumping them out.... Good thing we have hard wood floors, it makes for an easy clean up. I hate sweeping and I have did it twice the other morning. I feel like this is just the beginning of knowing what "no" means, he looks at me when I say it, and does it anyway. You know that I was skeptical last month about brushing his teeth, I was worried for no reason. Cooper loves it. Mainly because it tastes fruity and he can swallow the toothpaste, but he totally cheeses so I can brush his teeth. He is such a cutie!!
Josh and I had our weekly date night on Saturday (the day changes weekly, depending on Kroger sales!!). When I say date night, I mean when Cooper goes to bed, we drink a bottle of wine and eat something AWESOME at the house, so check out what this weekend was....
Is your mouth watering, because mine is!!!! |