Yupppppp!!!! That's right friends and family, we got a green egg. For those who don't know, a green egg is a ceramic griller and smoker, pizza oven, pie baker you name it.... It does everything. You can only imagine the excitement Josh and I both felt when we opened our Christmas present from my parents.... Tears filled our eyes, as we opened the gift. Never in a million years did we think we would get a green egg. Josh has definitely begged and talked about one for a while. I kepts saying no, you have 4 other griller and smokers.... BUT my parents can take a hint. The last time they were here (thanksgiving) that's all Josh talked about. "The green egg is amazing!" "Allie we have to get the Green Egg!" "PPLLLLEEEAAASEEEEE!!!" so anyway, that's what we opened on x-mas day, well actually it was 2 green egg koozies and a check since those things are ceramic so are super heavy. Grilling and smoking is Josh's new hobby, but since this thing can do everything, it's a present for me too!!! We probably won't ever have to use the stove AGAIN! Josh can do it all on the egg!! Woot woot. So we picked up our Large Green Egg this weekend, and let me tell you, I have never been skeptical or doubtful of what it could do, but damn! I didn't think it would make food taste 100% different and 100% better. We grilled chicken wings. Amazing. We grilled burgers. Perfect. We grilled corn on the cob... You don't even need butter!!! This week is pizza babyyyyy. Now that I have your your watering, our doors are always open and we are always grillin. So come on over, have a beer and experience the EGG!!!
Peace, LOVE and grillin
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