As you know it was Coopers Birthday yesterday. We just couldn't end the day with out singing "Happy Birthday" to Cooper and let him eat his own cake. Well, in this case, we got a mini cookie cake, perfect for a one year old. So we sang happy birthday and let him dig in.... we got some pretty cute pics. I mean he doesn't take a bad picture. Basically he ate all the icing off for mommy and daddy and we ate the yummy chocolate chip cookie.
Happy Birthday to you |
"What the heck is that??" |
"I just can't get enough!" |
Story time |
Josh is "out of town" this week. I say that loosely because he is less than an hour away. He is at their annual national sales meeting, so I am playing single mommy again. We are having fun! Cooper practically ran to me when I picked him up today and had the cutest little squeal!! He had pizza that first time today... pretty amazing since he only has 6 teeth. I wish I was there for that. I am sure there will be many many more pizza nights though in this house! Cooper goes for his one year check up tomorrow. So hopefully he isn't too cranky after the shots. It just kills me when the nurses give him the shots and he cries. Don't you just hate to see your kid in pain? I think more teeth are coming in. He has been walking around with the dish towel hanging out of his mouth... it is too cute and too funny! I will have to get a picture next time he does it!
I forgot to mention, I went to the bank last week and they gave me my first lollipop because I had a kid!! How awesome is that? I remember every time I went to the bank with my mom, I would always get one.... for some reason those always tasted the best. So I think it's cool that the banks still give them out. Cooper sucked the whole thing while I shopped in Target. He is such a good little shopper, even better with a lollipop. I hope I didn't start a trend!!
OMG I just love the look on his face looking at that you said "what is that: LOL too Cute Allie, your are so creative when it comes to stuff like that......He's so freaking adorable......I so enjoy reading everything as well. Keeps me up to date on what's going on.....Love...Love Yall
ReplyDeleteOh I forgot I love seeing Joshua reading a book to Cooper and Cooper seems so interested....Too Cute