Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The one where we prepare....

Mentally AND Physically.... Our baby boy is turning one. I can't believe this year has gone by so fast. When I was in elementary school, I couldn't wait to be in high school and drive. When I was in high school I couldn't wait to be in college and independent. And when I was in college I couldn't wait to find my husband and best friend and have a baby When I finally got one, I got both, and I wouldn't have it any other way and it feels like life sped up. My parents always said I grew up too fast and I laughed, but now I know the true meaning...  Last year this time my mind was focused on Halloween, football games and eating beef! (yes, you read that right!)

It wasn't a week after Halloween that our life changed, for the better and it is hard to believe our little one has 6 teeth, walking almost running, off formula, off bottles, picking up food, saying momma, smiling, laughing, etc... So this is the week that I reflect and prepare. I will reflect on the road that brought me here and that I have taken with Cooper. Have I done everything I could?? I remember the first few weeks, I was going to the doctor every few days. Apparently that is protocol when they are "premies". I say premies loosely because there wasn't much that was premie about Cooper other than he was almost 5 weeks early. He was "healthy as a horse". I am sounding like my dad now!!! So anyway, Cooper kept losing weight and I thought I was doing everything the nurses said and everything right. Well I found out I wasn't feeding him enough. I tell you what, I haven't felt anything worse before that or sense then.... It was like I was starving the baby. I came home balling and there wasn't anything Josh could say to make me feel better. It was even days later after Cooper was gaining weight that I was STILL crying... motherhood is crazy, beautiful, amazing and scary and who is to say I am doing a good job??  I am sure I will be in a similar situation again. I am sure there will be times where I am not a "good" mom or where Cooper and I disagree. I won't ever be perfect... but I have learned a lot already and will continue through our lives.

I am sure my parents are still learning. Heck, now they have to learn to be grandparents!! But that should be easy right, their main job is to SPOIL!! I know my grandparents did their job.... and I am sure both my parents and grandparents are reading this thinking...HA! you have know idea how fast they grow!

Cheers to life and growing old ALL TOGETHER (and the throw back pic of Cooper, more to come this week)



Sunday, October 23, 2011

The one where we do what we should have done....

We made a few big decisions this week.... Since our one year home owner warranty is coming up, we had the builder come fix a few things.  While his worker bees were here, we had a them come back and give us an estimate on adding stairs to the deck. We should have done it a year ago, but they nickle and dime you for everything for upgrades and need cash up front. So while we had or top upgrades picked out, stairs weren't one of them..... SO We are getting them on Tuesday!! Just in time for Coopers birthday and just in time for Thanksgiving! Which means we don't have to walk through the basement/ man cave in order to play cornhole or have a bonfire! Ok, so maybe I exaggerated a little when I said a few big decisions, because my second project is painting Cooper's room. I had all intentions of doing this last November before his due date in December.... and well, you know how that turned out. So while most mothers have their child's room cute, painted and decorated before their  child is born, I am doing all this for his first birthday!  I finished painting and sewed his curtrains... not to mention deep cleaned...

The curtains are orange, blue and green, perfect for a new gator fan.
Cooper is almost running. He is walking everywhere and really gaining speed. He is about ready to hang with the boys in the neighborhood. He is quiet a pro yet, thank goodness for that diaper, it adds a little cushion to the plop fall. Not only is he walking, but he is able to stand up on his own. That's right, no help from the couch, tables or whatever he can get his hands on although those methods are easier for him. I am thinking by next weekend he will have 6 teeth! He has another bottom one coming in, so that will make 4 down there. He is starting to use them too (mainly to bit me) but to chew his food. At first I thought he was trying to spit his food out, but he had me fooled. I can't wait for his birthday party next weekend!! He is such a big boy!

Our Nanny gave her 2 weeks this past Monday. I know it was a hard decision for her because it really does seem like she connects with Cooper. And I know Cooper looks forward to M,W, F because he has a Friend to play with, but she is moving on to a full time position. So we contemplated getting another Nanny, but ya know what? He will be one year old, his mind is fresh and eager to learn, he needs more interaction and more of a schedule, so we decided on day care. I have already toured the KidsRKids daycare. It seems great. I went into his classroom, met the teacher and the 4 other kids in the room, set Cooper down and he bolted for the other kids and toys. I think he forgot I was there. I even left the room to get a run down on the rest of the school and he did great. I think this will be a great move for him. Breakfast, lunch and 2 snacks are included in the tuition. So this is really going to work with our schedule. He will still be going M, W, F. He will still get mommy and daddy more than daycare.

Coop's new toy

Just like Daddy!


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The one where Coop is walking....

haha well, he is definitely getting there. Here is a video I took of him last night. We think after the recent face plants on the hard wood floors, he is using the sock as a mouth guard.... smart kid, uh?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The one where I give in...

Ok, so many of you know that I wanted to grow Cooper's hair out. This is going to be the only time in his life where I have a say in the way he looks. And I love Kate Hudson and her son Ryder looked so adorable with long blond locks....PLUS if I were to cut his hair he would look like a little boy rather than a baby boy..... BUT I was looking at him today, he was smiling back at me and I couldn't see those baby blues. His curly cues got in the way of his handsome eyes. So I sent Josh a message saying lets get his hair cut! I think I could sense his excitement because he said lets go tonight. Lets keep in mind, Josh flies home from San Diego today and will get home around 6:00. Josh has been a big advocate for getting Coops hair cut, me not so much. So I googled around. The little kid cut places are primarily for little girls where they can get glitter and feathers, blah blah blah. So my last result was great clips. I called and simply asked "Can you cut a toddlers hair"? She said what? So I said it again... and again. When she finally understood what I wanted, She said... "ummmm well we try". So in that instant I knew Josh and I would be cutting his hair. And that is what we did.....

Yay Daddy is home!!!!

ahhhhh so much hair!!! 



Monday, October 3, 2011

The one were my hubsters turns another year older....

My loving, wonderful, smart, fantastic, handsome, amazing griller, hubby turns 27 tomorrow! Happy Birthday Joshua! Unfortunately we won't be spending the day together.... no not because I kicked him to the curb, NEVER, but because he is in San Diego for a work conference. Trust me, he isn't that bad off. His hotel is on the Pacific Ocean, he played golf on the edge of the mountains in the sun shine today and he is eating amazing food! Tomorrow he will be in an all day conference so he will need some birthday lovin. Remember he is 3 hours behind us! So no early morning calls :) We did get to celebrate this weekend. We had our friends over for football, beer and chicken wings. Josh smoked a few batches of chicken wings and made a beer can chicken, SHOCKER! He loves his man time grillin. He was saying the other day how he needed a bigger charcoal grill. I think he got offended because I quickly disputed because he has a larger gas grill sitting right next to it. I guess I just don't understand....man code or man law, whatever it is! You can get whatever you want honey... The porch and the basement are all yours! Anyway, Josh comes home Thursday so me and Cooper will cook him something awesome for dinner! Although nothing beats the funfetti gator cake I made him, check it out!

Josh's gourmet birthday cake


Josh and Clint