Normalcy, not sure what that is anymore... We have been traveling so much lately I have forgotten what it is like to relax, which makes it tough to do when I have time. I feel like I always have to be doing something, I always have to be multitasking. I feel like sitting on the couch is wasting precious time!! I often have to tell my self to chill out!! Josh is the same way, you know him... always moving.
CHEESE!!! Look at all my teefers!! |
Anyway, so we had a "normal" weekend this weekend and actually stayed in Georgia. Shocked, I know, so were we. The weather was gorgeous here and only getting better. We got things done around the house, cleaned, organized, and shopped- all of my favorite things!!! Cooper got to play out in the yard in his new pool daddy got him instead of sitting in a car seat for 6 hours, talk about a happy kid! He loved the pool, especially the whale that shoots out water! Everyone always says, cherish these times now, because soon they won't be so amused at the little things. Cooper is really becoming more vocal and brave... standing on his own. He LOVES screaming at the top of his lungs for no reason (I think just to hear him self). He will be walking SOON. Although we aren't sure if we are happy or sad about that. Last night Josh was sitting on the couch, I was sitting on the floor and Cooper took a few steps from Josh to me! He is totally wobbly and the steps could have been by default, he was already falling into me.... in any instance, it won't be long before we are chasing him. Now is the time to get my new running shoes.
We finally got all the furniture in our dinning room, so Thanksgiving is a GO!! I still need chair covers and paint on the walls so this isn't the final product, but at least we will have "normal" seating arrangements this year, yay! Everyone is welcome, the more the merrier. I guess I don't get out of cooking this year. Last year I had a good excuse, this year, not so much! Good thing I like cooking :) AND we finished Coopers bookshelf and moved it to his room. Next thing I have to do in his room is paint. It is always something when you own a home. I still have so much I want to do... baby steps!
Doin what he does best! yummmmmm |
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