So if you have it, I need it. I am in search of the secret that stops Cooper from growing!! I know he is only 8 months, but I feel like he should be just as little as the day he was born. What happened to those sleepless nights, or the days where Cooper curled up in my lap to eat his bottle, or the day you could lay Cooper on the bed and he would just look up at you instead of it taking 2 of us to change his diaper... I really started thinking of all this from few indicidents.... Inicident number one: I am sitting on the couch watchin TV and Cooper crawls to me, talking in his own language and reaches up to the seat cushions and pulls up, yes that means he is standing all on his own! Not only does he stand, he is walking holding on to the couch!!! It just blows my mind. Josh may be right and we may have a walker sooner than later. Indicent number two: I am feeding Cooper bananas for dinner and since I don't go quick enough he starts slamming is hand on the highchair indicating "more, more, more"! Anyway, I thought I'd share those few moments with you along with a few pictures from the week!
Look mommy, one hand! |
As I was writing this, Cooper walked to the coffee table, pulled up and started pulling things off of it. He got real close to my wine glass! Time to get serious with this baby proofing.
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