It was brought to my attention (like I didn't know) by a very handsome 30 something year old man living on Hawkcrest that I have failed at my blog this year. Josh went to brag on me at someone at work who is about to get married and realized its been since JANUARY that I posted. It's literally on my mind weekly, I just haven't made the time. So here I am, the year is half way over and I'm on my 2nd post! Whoop Whoop!

Cooper is officially a big kid and a junior angler. No more passing for a toddler, no more passing for a little boy, he is straight up big kid status with his high top converse sneaks. And let me tell you, I don't like it. I noticed a few weeks ago, when he lost both of his two front teeth!!! My baby is getting his adult teeth. He did amazingly well in kindergarten, I never had a doubt. He's surpassed his class, school and district standards on math and reading. He's basically a genius. We've done several VBS's camps and sport camps to stay busy over summer and of course, we are still swimming at the Bolles school. Cooper says he wants to go to the Olympics, so we are giving him every opportunity we can, hoping he can take the gold in a few years. Cooper has taken up offshore fishing with his Dad and Chris and Spencer. He's such a trooper because they have to leave around 4:00 when they are in the tournaments and he never complains. He's caught several different types of fish, but he will tell you his favorite catch was a sand shark!

Addison is still a big time Daddy's girl. I mean like big time. She's got him wrapped around her fingers. I mean how could you say no to her anyway, she's so stinking cute. She too, has been busy with VBS and camps this summer. She crushed the 3 year old class at Mandarin Presbyterian. She's so smart, loving and outgoing, she'll definitely go far in life. She loves to follow in her big brothers footsteps and is also swimming at Bolles. Soon they may be on the same team, which will definitely bring a little competition to the family. Her best buddy (and all ours) next to Cooper is Jaxon, who by the way is already 10 months old and overweight! I'm working on that, so he is getting spoiled eating rice and carrots mixed in with his dog food. Jaxy seriously is the best dog. The kids really helped get him trained and totally help out with him. We picked Jaxon at such a good age for the kids being that they love to and are able to help out with him.

Josh and I are great and are both doing well in our careers. Real Estate is starting to take off for me. I'm getting the knowledge/experience and the clients to keep the cash flow coming in for all the projects Josh has on his list :) He is crushing it also and I am so blessed he is able to provide for the kids and I. Dad, Dad, he's the man, working all day to support the fam!