Summer has officially started in the McCarty household. The kids have been out of school now going on 2 weeks- and Cooper took right off to Ohio. He told Jeff and Deanna he needed his "space" from Addison. So he is LOVING this mini vacation of his. This vacation to Ohio has been all this kid would talk about for about a year now. We've been counting down the days since last summer when we decided he could make the trip. Of course, we met them half way- he didn't go at this alone. But since he has been there its been nothing but farm life. He's rode horses, helped clean the horse stalls, drove the big tractor, washed the trucks.... I mean, Cooper has put his self to work. You know he loves to stay busy and outside. It's good for all of them. I'm hoping to make this a summer ritual. He's going to look back and love the summers spent on a farm. That's so Cooper too. He hasn't missed a beat and hasn't really missed us. Thank goodness for FaceTime, I think that helps us all. But we are ready to have our boy back. While its been quiet and just a bit cleaner around the house, it feels empty. I guess I've grown accustomed to the loud chaos and the box wine. LOL We pick up Cooper this weekend and we can't wait!!!!

You're probably wondering, how is Addison doing. Well, she definitely misses Coop. She asks about him everyday. But I also think she likes being the center of attention. She's getting to stay up a bit later, eat ice cream in bed, go to the beach, go shopping and pick out whatever movie she wants to watch without tears and fighting. But I can't wait to see the excitement when Addison and Cooper see each other Saturday. I have a feeling they will both squeal like little girls.
Check out how happy this "only child" has been over the last few weeks... nothing but smiles