Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The one where my baby is 4...

Each birthday is bittersweet. This year was so much fun watching Cooper open his gifts with excitement. He did a little dance or “jig” with each gift he opened, I just couldn’t help but love it. I thought to myself wow, it gets better each year. His personality is blossoming, he’s wearing his “big boy” pants and he isn’t a toddler anymore. However, as we do each birthday, we reflect. I can’t help but get a little sad inside to know I practically blinked and BAM I have a four year old. At four, he is fully potty trained (night time too)… for any other mom reading this, potty training is probably one of the greatest accomplishments of the toddler years. Let’s see, at 4 we are also having conversations, even though we may be shy at times. He is a pretty good communicator; let’s face it- he’s male, so how really great do they get. Am I right? Cooper got a bike for his birthday so he will be learning to ride a bike. I know your probably thinking,  gee, kind of late right? Well what had happened was…. for his 3rd birthday he got a dirt bike and learned to ride that. He has learned how to chop wood, count, swim, say the ABC’s, do puzzles, play games and tattle on his sissy. We are still working on the sharing part. He’s got some OCD in him too. He loves to organize, clean and make is bed. Every toy, book, shoe, train, animal etc has its own “spot”. He’s so much fun and his little laugh is contagious. He will ask for something and I say sure, here you go. And you know what his reply is? “Thanks Mom, you’re the best!”  He’s so sweet, a true blessing from God and I am proud to be his mommy!
He told me, Mom this is the best birthday! We took him camping and boy did he love it- ALL SMILES!

Happy Birthday Cooper

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The one where we are whole again…

It was a long journey but a journey we knew we were supposed to walk- for what reasons we aren’t quite sure of but being back together is such a blessing. Back together for all the holidays is the best. We are oddly getting back into the routine of things quickly. This mama is learning how to incorporate an adult back in the house, weird. LOL. I’m only kidding (kinda) it’s all been really great though. The kids are so excited to have Daddy home. In fact, so excited, that when Josh went to leave to run errands yesterday Cooper started crying. Luckily it was just a short trip, but that night while tucking Cooper in, he said “Daddy you scared me today.” How’s that Josh replied, and Cooper said, “I thought you were going to sleep at the airport again” So needless to say, Josh is NEVER allowed to leave anywhere, EVER. It was almost like we never missed a beat, but that’s how you know it’s all so true- true love, real family and true faith. The kids are back to clinging to him and he’s back piddling in the yard and most importantly cooking on the green egg again! The McCarty Party of 4 is back in action.

Our first baby turns 4 tomorrow, Cooper!! Where did the time go?! We’ve got a camping trip scheduled for Saturday. Cooper’s favorite thing to do is be outside, camping, eating boiled peanuts and making s’mores. So that’s what he will get… all his favorite stuff. Addie likes it too, mainly the digging in the dirt and eating the dirt part. So camping with her should be interesting. The last time we all went, she was actually all nuzzled up, cozy in my belly. We went a week before she was due, remember that!? Anyway, this has been a fun year. I think we are in the phase where Cooper replies “Why” to everything. I try so so so hard not to say because I said so (but sometimes I can’t find any other reason than that) Cooper is very sensitive, he gets really upset when you tell him no, but he is a great listener. He’s so smart, loves creating inventions, working with his tools and building things with Daddy. He’s a night owl like his Daddy too (I think both kids are). We found Cooper in his room watching TV at 1:30am the other night, wide awake. He’s pretty much out of the napping phase, some days he will sleep, most days no. He’s still a picky eater, but again, he gets it from his Daddy… what does he get from me your thinking? I like to think his good looks! J The other day I asked Cooper what he wanted to be when he grew up. He said, “I want to be like Daddy”. I asked, why and he said because he kills snakes and roaches. Ha-ha. Tough man!

We had a lot of fun on Halloween; we were all the Ninja turtles. Not only does Cooper love them, Josh does too. I guess we all kinda do. Addison loves trick-or-treating! She’s a pro at 1. Cooper did so much better this year. In the past years, he was very timid and shy. This year he went straight up to the house, knocked on the door! Previously he wouldn’t even get out of the wagon.  He’s still sporting his Rafael red eye mask. I think it’s his new accessory to life.

Happy Birthday to the boy that stole all our hearts. We love you Cooper!