Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The one where our little girl is one...

Addison turned 1 on Saturday. I can't believe it. I feel like time flew by 100 times faster than Coopers 1st year. Life is so much faster with 2 kids. I am always on the go, never really relaxing and eating on the move. BUT I wouldn't change any of it, ok maybe just one thing, slow life down a little. Addison is adorable and such a HUGE blessing in our life. She completed our sweet little family. We have the BEST of both worlds. Addison is a fire cracker or a pistol, as Daddy says. She's the light in a dark room. She's the joy in my heart. She is truly DADDY'S PRINCESS. When she looks at Josh, she literally lights up. She looks like the cartoon characters with red hearts in her eyes. She adores her Daddy. Addison is a full blown walker, and I would say almost running since she is now mobile and able to take on Cooper. She has 6 pearly whites. She claps, waves hi and Bye, says momma and no no. She's a pretty good eater, better than Cooper is now since he is addicted to PB&J and Cheetos!!!

Addison's birthday was a hit. She LOVED the cake. She loved the pictures and being sang to. She's a total diva, got lots of cute clothes and her very own singing pink pony! We just had the family over for lunch and cake. Addie had her own smash cake and like I said earlier. She LOVED it.... we took lots of great pictures, so enjoy.

Happy 1st birthday baby girl! We love you.


Friday, February 14, 2014

The one with chocolate, hearts and love....

Yeap, you guessed it- the one on Valentine's Day. Happy V-day to you!! We love all of you! And are so thankful you all keep up on the blog. Cooper is loving today, he's flooded with candy, cookies and tools made out of chocolate... this kid is in HEAVEN (and the day isn't even over!) He's loving all the love, Addie is loving all the love. I'm loving all the love.... Isn't that what today is about anyway, showing all the loved ones in your life just how special they are.... so I decided to take some pictures of the kiddos showing their LOVE.

And always,

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The one with Daddy's projects...

It's no secret, my kids LOVE Daddy!! And the second Daddy get his tools out, Cooper runs to grab his tool bag and Addison follows behind. We've been doing a few projects around the house recently (yes, still working on the deck, LOL) but I think Josh is starting to understand why I can't keep the house spotless. Every time I go to do something, a little kiddo is at my feet, pulling on my pant legs or simply trying to help. And the explanation process isn't so easy, everything is but Why? Why are you doing that Mommy? etc, etc, So Josh has been getting into a few things around the house lately and finds the little ones literally climbing all over him!! And then you have mowing the lawn, OMG, Cooper wakes up almost every day, saying Daddy can we mow the lawn. This kid is going to have his own lawn business one day! He just absolutely loves it, as long has he has on his ear muffs!

Josh is truly the weekend warrior. He works his butt off during the week not to slow down a tick come the weekend. Last weekend he hand made me shutters for the house and a shelf. AND he hung all the shutters himself. Who knew he was such a handy man. He says all I need to do is show him exactly what I want and he builds it (oh yea, I have to paint, he hates painting!) Talk about awesome  :)

Sunday Morning
BOOM! Sunday afternoon
Pinterest project, Bathroom shelf


The one with the roadtrip...

We successfully made it through our road trip to Atlanta a few weekends ago. This is noteworthy, because it was Coopers first road trip as a potty trained tot AND Addison took her first wobbly steps. Both HUGE events. I am amazed daily about how fast Cooper is growing and how much he knows. Nothing gets past him, I mean nothing. Just when you think he isn't listening he spits out the only bad word you say. So, I'm locking it up and throwing the key away. I gotta be on my best behavior. He's a true human sponge. The last thing I need is for him to start Pre-K or Kindergarten with a potty mouth. I'll make sure he knows to always say he learned it from TV! Addison did amazing on the trip, most noteworthy was sleeping ALL NIGHT LONG!!! If you know her, you know that sleeping through the night isn't her BEST quality, especially in a different place. But she did it!!! Check out the CUTEST video of the 2 kids on the trip. You'll love it....

So we have a walker, not a full blown walker, but Addison will walk across the room. I forgot how cute lil bambinos are as they are learning to walk. And Cooper is such a good big brother. He and I will sit on one side of the room and Addie will walk to us. They both crack up laughing. The best part is Cooper says, MY TURN and he starts on the other side and slowly, walks, kinda of like a zombie to me, with his arms straight out. Its hilarious, then he falls into my lap. Just like Sis! So Addie is walking just in time for her first birthday!! Can you believe that she is turning 1 a week from Saturday! Where has the time gone?? Oh ya,
we blink our eyes, and here we are. SLOW DOWN LIFE.... so I have some great pictures of the little turkey's that rule the house!!!