Hi, I'm Allie and I'm addicted to caffeine.... Hence the zombie, thats me! Miss thang, diva, princess aka Addison is a tricky lil one. Not like Cooper at all! So far, Cooper has been my easy one. He's such a blessing and a sweet lil boy. Ok, don't get me wrong, Addison is a total blessing! But she is a total different baby than Cooper. She can't sit still. She doesn't like her swing or her vibrating chair. She cries when she's not being held. We've tried warming her milk, changing formulas, gas drops, fennel water and I'm still at a loss. She sleeps on her tummy which is a no no (according to like ALL doctors)... But she likes it. Addison is sleeping 5-6 hours now at night. Still waking up for a middle of night time feeing, so I need to tweak her schedule a little so she goes to bed later. It's all about the schedule and we are all still figuring out what works best for us all. She's a good lil sleeper though and has been in her crib for several weeks now, for all naps and all night! Yay! That is a big accomplishment :) She also rolled over on her back in the crib. She's so strong and holds her head up so good!

Cooper still love love loves her!! It's true, God answered knee mail. I prayed and prayed he would be my little Angel during this big transition in his life and he really is. He listens so good, loves to read books, color and watch movies and of course help out with Addison. He goes to bed without a fight, he is usually the one telling me to turn of the light and "sweet dreams mommy"! We are still working on that crayons should be used on paper only... We have a nice lil mural on the office wall. I havent bothered to clean it yet, I figured that can be his spot for a while. He will even come show me when he adds a new color. Next week we start potty training, AGAIN. I let him pick out his own big boy underwear so hopefully he will be interested in it. When his friend Ceci is over and she has to go, he goes with her to the bathroom every time, helps her get the stool and the potty seat. So I know he has interest, lets just see how the interest pans out!

We had another set of friends come to visit this past weekend, Megan and Clint. We are so blessed to have such great friends up there that take weekend get aways to come see us. There was a big outdoor boat show and oyster fest that we took them too. I probably shouldn't have tempted Josh like that. Just like women get baby fever, Josh gets boat fever! House first, I keep telling him!
I'm starting to feel like my old self again (plus 15lbs) but I'm feeling good, health wise. I started doing small work out in the morning when Addison takes her morning nap. Cooper just watches TV. I'd like to get out in the mornings and run before everyone wakes up, but I'm just so tired right now all I can think about is curling back up in the warm cozy bed!!