So we have been really focusing Cooper on swimming. And getting him used to the pool. The great thing about it, and he is such a good kid and so smart. Right when we get to the pool he waits for us to put his floaties on his arms before he even gets close to the water. But once he has them on, its fair game. He is becoming quite the water baby. He just loves it to death playing with Josh and being tossed up into the air and splashing back in the pool. He has learned to kick his legs so far. He stays upright with his floaties and knows to spit the water out! A good start I think!
My lap top officially crashed again this past weekend AND I am not paying another $300 to have it fixed. So I am using our Mac that is slower than a turtle and has more pictures on it than Google. I would love to upload more pictures of Cooper from the weekend, but it doesn't look like its happening tonight, I can't even get them saved right now. We have NO space left! EKKK
Funny picture I have to share of Cooper playing dress up with the neighbor... totally blackmail material or Senior year book stuff when he's older!! hahahahaaa, Cooper I promise not to show your girlfriends (on the first date)!!!