So I know I have been slightly inactive on this thing. As usual playing mom, wife, daughter, and working professional get in the way of updating everyone on the sweet lil Mohwak Dude. We have had an eventful couple of weeks. Memorial weekend was great. My parents came to visit, so naturally Cooper gets 100% attention on him at all time. He loves it, just like his momma. I would say we just relaxed, but that is a total understatement when you have a toddler running around. We did go to Alabama to see Gramma Herrmann. It was a short and sweet visit, basically had lunch and came back. But Cooper (and myself) haven’t seen her in almost a year, so it was definitely time overdue. The rest of the visit we stayed around the house, too hot to do much outdoors… although we did go to the outlets, you know my mom doesn’t miss a shopping adventure. I guess I don’t either. We all trekked up there, Josh and Dad hung out on the benches in the shade while Mom and I hit up the stores. We had to light up the green egg a few times while they were here. What’s memorial weekend without a cookout?! And to honor all our troops! Thank you David Dees for your service!

So we FINALLY got the motivation to begin staining out deck. We did almost all of it on Saturday. The easy parts are done. It was gorgeous weather, so we cranked up the country music and got to work. Cooper wasn’t feeling so hot that day, so he actually slept most of the day which made it somewhat easier to get the deck done. Like I said before, Cooper has my weak stomach. We had all intentions on making Saturday a family fun day at the pool and while we were getting subs from Publix, Cooper just started throwing up right there in the middle of the isle. Poor guy was so helpless, I felt horrible for him. So anyway, the pool was nixed and Cooper got sick one more time before he slept for several hours. He woke up and ate a little lunch and went back to bed. After his last 3 hour nap, he was back on his game. So were Josh and I. MaryChase and Daivd came over so we could enjoy a MUCH needed date night, a night out on the town. We started out in the Historic Roswell district where we sat outside and enjoyed some amazing sushi and good conversation followed by a delicious steak dinner at Stoney River. WAY more than I could eat, but I tried! I can’t even remember the last time Josh and I went out to dinner without Cooper. It felt nice but the whole time we kept talking about him saying how weird it felt to not have him with us. But we did enjoy the time alone…. That was not the only date night we had that weekend. A coworker of mine gave me 2 tickets to the Brothers of the Sun Tour with Tim McGraw and Kenny Chesney for Sunday night. It was awesome!! Going to concerts is one of our favorite things to do together. We had so much fun. My voice is a little raspy (more than normal) today from singing at the top of my lungs! We stayed for all of Tim McGraw, he did AMAZING!!!! A left right after Kenny came on. I am more of a fan of Tim McGraw, plus it was already after 9:00 on a Sunday in downtown Atlanta. So we beat the traffic home and don’t feel like a complete zombie today! P.S. you know we are getting “older” when we don’t stay for a full concert!!
So I have several pictures from us at the pool a few weekends back. Although Cooper didn't love the water like I anticipated, we had a great time!
So anway, back on the grind. Happy June to all